I work with clients in a number of sectors and at a range of scales – from individual authors and small organisations to institutions with a national-level reputation. Whatever the project, my focus is always on ensuring content has a clear sense of purpose, and offers audiences access to ideas and information in an engaging yet straightforward way.

I began my career working in publishing and continue to work on books, most often with authors as a development editor, both on novels and non-fiction texts. I am well established as a writer for clients in the heritage sector and the visual arts, regularly producing content for websites and other text-based outputs that demand a lively take on communicating ideas. I am particularly keen to expand my work with not-for-profit organisations; I am a currently a provider of editorial services to Nesta (the UK innovation agency for social good), and have worked with a number of publicly funded organisations and initiatives.
My clients include:
– Heritage and not-for-profit clients –
The Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Royal Armories Museum, Leeds
Aldeburgh Museum, Suffolk
Nesta, London
Natural History Museum, London
The British Library, London
Storythings, Brighton
Norfolk Coast Partnership, Holt
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Norfolk Schools of Sanctuary, Norwich
The National Pugin Centre, Ramsgate
BiodivERsA, Paris
– Publishing clients –
Individual authors as a direct commission
Phaidon, London
The World Economic Forum, Cologny
MACK, London
Dewi Lewis Publishing, Stockport
Octopus, London
Dorling Kindersley, London
Dialogue, Norwich
Condé Nast Traveller, London
The Miles Morland Foundation, London
Metro Publications, London
– Visual arts clients –
White Cube, London
frieze, London
Buffalo AKG Art Museum, London
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo
Eschaton-Anselm Kiefer Foundation, Paris
Royal College of Art, London
Southbank Centre, London
The Photographers’ Gallery, London
Royal Academy of Arts, London
Other Criteria, London
Newport Street Gallery, London
Institute of International Visual Arts, London
– Commercial clients –
Crown Point Estate, Norwich
Barrington Energy, Norwich
East Coast College, Great Yarmouth
Special Design Studio, Norwich
Photocrowd, Oxford
The Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RCHM), London
Saxon Air, Norwich
ACE Tennis, Norwich
Cisco Systems, London
John Lewis, London